The End of Cheap Labour? - Industrial Transformation and Social Upgrading in China
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The End of Cheap Labour?: Industrial Transformation and "Social Upgrading" in China (Labour Studies) Industrial Transformation and Social Upgrading in China
BUCH - Butollo, Florian
Campus Verlag
, 06.11.2014.ISBN: 9783593501772
Zustand: gebraucht; wie neu
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The End of Cheap Labour?: Industrial Transformation and "Social Upgrading" in China (Labour Studies) Industrial Transformation and Social Upgrading in China
BUCH - Butollo, Florian
Campus Verlag
, 06.11.2014.ISBN: 9783593501772
Zustand: gebraucht; wie neu
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The End of Cheap Labour?: Industrial Transformation and Social Upgrading in China (International Labour Studies, 9, Band 9)
Florian Butollo
Campus Verlag
, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783593501772
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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The End of Cheap Labour? Taschenbuch Mängelexemplar von Florian Butollo
ISBN: 9783593501772
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren