Buchtitel beginnend mit Cytoplasmic
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Cytoplasmic Actomyosin Fibrils after Preservation with high pressure
Cytoplasmic alterations in amebae treated with actinomycin D
Cytoplasmic calcium measurements in intact higher plant cells
Cytoplasmic cleavage during zoosporogenesis in Thraustochytrium
Cytoplasmic differences in T-Type Cytoplasmic Malesterile
Cytoplasmic differentiation in fungi
Cytoplasmic dimorphism within pollen grains
Cytoplasmic DNA synthesis in Amoeba Proteus
Cytoplasmic fine structure of Sciara Salivary Glands
Cytoplasmic Groth Principles of Tissue Cells
Cytoplasmic inclusions in Xenopus spermatogenic cells
Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Cytoplasmic Membrane Changes in Conjugating Tetrahymena
Cytoplasmic mutations isolated from protoplasts of Podospora anserina
Cytoplasmic pH of Dictyostelium discoideum Amebae during early
Cytoplasmic streaming in Elodea
Cytoplasmic Vesicles in Germinating Spores of Gilbertella