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The Novel in the Spanish Silver Age - A Digital Analysis of Genre Using Machine Learning – Buch gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen

ISBN 9783837659252: The Novel in the Spanish Silver Age - A Digital Analysis of Genre Using Machine Learning
ISBN 9783837659252: The Novel in the Spanish Silver Age - A Digital Analysis of Genre Using Machine Learning
1 Treffer in Bücher
Gebrauchtware  gebraucht Neuware  Neuware

Calvo Tello, José: The Novel in the Span
gebrauchte Buecher

The Novel in the Spanish Silver Age A Digital Analysis of Genre Using Machine Learning

Calvo Tello, José


, 2021.
ISBN: 9783837659252
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
flag_common DE vom Händler, Bewertungen 99,8% positiv